Ability Realty
Barry Fotheringham, Broker
7360 E. 22nd Street,
Tucson, AZ 85710

Well here we are in the year 2012 with our first month. What really surprised me this month was the large increase of Listings under Contract. We jumped just over 400 properties. The Median went up to match the previous July figure, while the Average went down most likely because fewer homes over $500,000 sold. I would say over all we had a good month just coming off of the Holidays in December. I still feel we are at or very close to our bottom unless the bottom falls out of the Economy. Gas prices are moving up and there is a lot of conflict in the Middle East which will probably keep gas up for a while.
$154,944 $150,699 $151,812 $158,434 $161,471 $157,059
$122,200 $117,500 $120,000 $122,000 $120,000 $125,000
1106 1064 982 1015 961 915
5167 5155 5290 5191 4911 4840
73 80 74 78 78 80
2121 2059 2070 1996 1903 2398
24 19 21 33 31 26
The figures on this table are subject to change due to late reportings and corrections. These changes are reflected in the next months statisical blog post after we receive the updated information. For this reason you will find inconsistencies if you compare the data on multiple tables.
* Closed during the month.
** For the current month (not the total listing under contract)
I have been running busy to slow over the past month or more, but I am busier than in the previous months. There are days that I am almost brain dead when I get home and just want to veg in front of the TV after I get done with the very important parts of my day. When the business is there we have to work those extra hours to get things done. Speaking of getting things done, if you are thinking of purchasing in the next few months get you Loan lined up and things done so that is not a problem. You look better if you have completed most of the requirements on the Prequalification Form needed for the Contract.
Call Renee Hahnee at NOVA (520) 202-5329 or Dannielle Andrade at Washington Federal at (520) 296-3203
They are both good at their job and very service oriented. Dannielle has Manufactured Home Loans and Investor Loans but no FHA or VA.
I hope this is a better year for all of us but I really have my doubts. We will get more class warfare as the current President has nothing he can run on but…………….. and he likes to blame everyone for his inability to be a Leader. He is the President, but not a Leader. He has done VERY well at dividing. I am sure there are many that will not agree on my politics, but what has the last 3 years gotten you or your family. Lots of unemployment for most!!
Anyway I do not let my politics get in the way of finding you the best home to buy and give you all the assistance you need. I have been at this for 33 years and have been through almost everything that I think can happen. There are some occasional differences but probably something I have seen before. Let me help you!!
We are growing our Property Management Department and my son David will be developing part of our company. He used to manage over 130 units until he wanted a life again. Now he is being very selective in what he will take, and I do not blame him. Call him if you want to have a great Manager or if you want to buy an Investment Property.
Feb 22, 2012 No comments yet Share