Ability Realty
icon-locationAbility Realty
Barry Fotheringham, Broker
7360 E. 22nd Street,
Tucson, AZ 85710
Barry Fotheringham, Broker
7360 E. 22nd Street,
Tucson, AZ 85710

Tucson MLS Statistics April 2010
May 18, 2010 No comments yet Share
Well here we are at mid May and the Federal Tax Credit Program was not extended. Those that had contracts in escrow by April 30th have until June 30th to get them closed. If you were in the Military Service and the proper amount of time overseas, you may have another year to make that purchase. Any service member who is or has been on extended duty for 90 days or more between January 1, 2009 to April 30, 2010, has until April 30, 2011 to sign a sales contract and until June 30, 2011, to close on the property. Both the $8000 first-time and $6500 repeat home buyer tax credits are included in the extension.
The April statistics are pretty much what I expected. The Jump in Days on Market was a shock. I expected it to go up but not so sharply. Everything else seemed to be in line with what I felt would happen with the Tax Credit ending. With that said I suspect we will see negative statistics for possibly the next two months or so. The only item that will have some positive to it will be total units sold which will come down but not drastically for the next two months.
2009 |
2009 |
2010 |
2010 |
2010 |
2010 |
Average Sales Price
$188,384 | $201,216 | 201,219 | $195,996 | $201,710 | $199,986 |
Median Sales Price
$162,500 | $154,000 | $160,000 | $150,000 | $157,680 | $159,000 |
Total Units Sold*
1011 | 919 | 712 | 741 | 1169 | 1227 |
Active Listings
6350 | 6130 | 6618 | 6739 | 6799 | 6603 |
Days On Market
73 | 73 | 73 | 68 | 69 | 87 |
Listings Under Contract**
947 | 847 | 1155 | 1417 | 1549 | 1568 |
The figures on this table are subject to change due to late reportings and corrections. These changes are reflected in the next months statisical blog post after we receive the updated information. For this reason you will find inconsistencies if you compare the data on multiple tables.
* Closed during the month.
** For the current month (not the total listing under contract)
The one really positive factor is we are still hovering around 5% for FHA loans. With that, and still dropping home prices, NOW is really the time to find a nice home. Short Sales will dominate the market, but offer some nice homes. You will have a few months to wait to see if the Sellers Lender will approve your offer. A suggestion is to offer just a little under the fair market value so you are still in the ball park when the Lender gives their approval. Not many of the Lenders are willing to really cut their prices. You take a chance of losing it if you are not willing to accept their counteroffer bringing the price back to market with a low offer and you may have lost 3-5 months of time.
If you are short on closing funds, increase the interest rate so you do not have to pay the origination fee (1% of the loan). If you have a credit score average of 720 look at Conventional financing with 1.5% more down payment, you can have payments of less than an FHA Loan and owe less on the home. Start talking with a lender soon as you will need a Loan Status Report (LSR) to write a contract. From my stand point I do not want to show you properties until you have an LSR so we all know what you can qualify for. This does not mean we have to go with the top price, but you will know what you can do. Ask the Lender what you can purchase for a certain monthly payment.
If you are a Buyer, Seller or a Seller that thinks they need to do a Short Sale contact me for help. I have 30 years of experience selling Homes in Tucson and have a lot of knowledge in my head. My son David and I work together as a team with Mom helping us in the office. Call me on my cell at 520-240-7130 with questions.
May 18, 2010 No comments yet Share